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  • Demand for Emotional Intelligence Skill for a career in AI

    • 21 May 2022

    Demand for Emotional Intelligence Skills for a career in AI

    In the modern world, becoming emotionally intelligent has become a rare commodity with ever-increasing raw professionalism. Today, a time has come when showing emotions in the field is literally frowned upon. You are expected to be tight and upright, get your job done, talk with the customer as little as required, then get back to the workstation. Even if you talk, the conversations are limited to a farce How are you doing today? or Is there anything else you need? which really do not express emotion but are mumbled nonetheless.This fake professionalism has been a mask on the faces of the younger generations who view work interaction as a chore. Even in modern well-built offices, between the four walls, all we find are a couple of hundred workers furiously typing at their computer keyboards, without even looking at each other. While artificially intelligent robots are being created to be made more and more emotionally intelligent, we as individuals are trying to become emotionally void. Earlier, there used to be a time when people thought of their colleagues as friends. They could talk to each other like human beings and not just as competitors. Such workplace behavior was valued a lot. Everyone was thinking about each other and not being merely selfish about their own needs. Nowadays, all that people can think about at the workplace is doing the job and leaving to go home. Thus, many end up hating their jobs more than anything. Today, you can pick up a stone and hit anyone in a crowded area and bet that the stone hit someone who hates their work and the chances would be that you are correct. Now you might be thinking-what does it have to do with emotional intelligence?The answer is everything! Think about the guy at your job who shows up before his time starts, talks with everyone, and has what seems like a ‘good day’ regularly. Ask him and he would tell you he loves his job. This has something to do with his attitude, right? Chances are that he has more emotional quotient than average. He knows how to handle his emotions and knows what works best for his performance. He understands that being a robot won’t serve any purpose whatsoever.Why emotional intelligence is a “must-have” skill of the future Being emotionally intelligent basically means understanding yourself as well as others emotionally. It’s having a good idea of how your feelings affect your performance, moreover, how well you can control your own emotions. How well do you adapt to the circumstances? You also have to be intelligent about how others feel as well. It’s the management of your interactions with others and helping them feel they are understood. All of this falls under empathetic skills. Emotional intelligence is going to become the most in-demand skill directly after technical skills. Gone are those days where being emotionally intelligent was something “good to have but not really necessary”.

    • Statistics say almost three-quarters of executives and little more than half of the non-supervisory staff feels that emotional intelligence will be a must for all staff.

    • Almost two-thirds of executives believe that between the next 1 to 5 years, emotional intelligence will be the go-to skill of staff for interviewers to shortlist them.

    • With artificial intelligence reaching new highs every day, four-fifths of all Asian executives feel the same way.

    • The percentage of executives in Germany are one in three in Germany and Norway.

    According to a study, this requirement for emotional intelligence in the artificial intelligence sector will increment over 6 times in the next 3-5 years.

    • Organization’s requirement of emotional intelligence

      The vice president of an American beauty company said in a recent interview that he felt in the domain of client management, only 6 to 9 minutes in every hour will be spent on the technical know-how of the staff and the vast majority of the time would be utilized to train on emotional intelligence. Because of artificial intelligence, most of our jobs will become automated, but the organization will increase the value of the product just by the help of the staff interacting with the client. Moreover, the staff needs to adapt to newer routines as multiple tasks, and job procedures are bound to become automated. Hence, they have to shift to jobs that cannot be done using artificial intelligence and will perhaps need for humane skills. Click here to learn Machine Learning in GNV IT Solutions The staff has to become emotionally competent and adaptable to new circumstances. Executives feel that only those few who are emotionally intelligent will retain their employment over those who only have basic technical skills. Thus, in the future, most roles might include profiles based on heavy interaction with the client. Today, most companies which actually advertise having an emotionally intelligent staff primarily focus only on self-confidence and management skills as well as the level of optimism an individual shows. However, the most crucial aspect of emotional intelligence focuses on working on one’s own emotions and understanding how to solve emotional-related issues. This is what most companies lack today. Almost seven in ten staff claim that they are more than willing to work on their emotional intelligence provided they shall be recognized for it. In comparison, only 1 in 4 companies praise their staff for emotional intelligence while talking about their staff in non-supervisory profiles. Over eighty-three in one hundred companies said that for success, an extremely emotionally intelligent team of workers would be a necessity.

    • Staff are afraid of the future

      Most millennials feel that their jobs are in jeopardy due to AI. The number of millennials who think they won’t have jobs left when they grow up has increased from four in ten to five in ten people. Even the number of current staff members fear the loss of their jobs in 2 to 3 years has increased from thirty people in one hundred to thirty-nine people in one hundred over the last two years. Overall, the total number of people who think their skills are bound to become redundant in two years’ time has increased by one in ten people.

    • Benefits of emotional intelligence to the business

      Emotional intelligence can have a role in the success of a business. Staff with a higher degree of emotional intelligence tend to bring about greater benefits to the organization. The research found out that more than half of the businesses have claimed improvements in multiple sectors including productivity and market share as well as higher employee satisfaction. Click here to learn Machine Learning in GNV IT Solutions Even in the sales sector, sales managers with many staff members in many organizations believe that their skills are about to become redundant shortly when automation and artificial intelligence takes over their companies. Higher emotional intelligence has been successful in selling more services than the ones with lower skills. Isn’t it obvious that an emotional and more intelligent staff is more likely to form better working relationships with the clients through the way they talk or the way they carry themselves?

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    • Strategies to develop an emotionally intelligent workforce

      Similar to someone’s ability in mathematics, it’s not strictly confined to the way they were born. It depends on how well they were able to polish this skill. Similarly, emotional intelligence skills can be developed through practice and strategic training.

      Although three in four companies said that they are likely to help their staff develop emotional intelligence, only forty-two in one hundred are providing intentional efforts towards the goal. This number becomes thirty-two in one hundred for medium management roles and less than one in five for non-supervisory profiles. Out of everyone in a company, the candidates who are in technical areas are bound to be more affected and they are being neglected. Organizations really need to tighten their buckles and focus on building a more emotionally resistant workforce. The organizations have to focus on 2 important areas: figuring out which emotional skill they prefer and figuring out how to bring about the skill in the individuals. Moreover, during the hiring process, companies can try to gather more emotionally intelligent employees by creating another layer of screening. Over the years, the company will have a workforce that is much more intelligent than today. The questions the companies can focus on in the interviews should be aimed at testing their self-awareness as well as empathy. Usual questions include: How did they form a winning team? or How did they handle a disastrous situation once? Their attitude towards their job is what should give them an advantage over their fellow competing candidates.


    This is how companies are moving towards creating a much more emotionally intelligent workforce. It is the requirement of the future and is just a matter of time before all companies will prefer such candidates over those who just focus on their technical skills.